Terms And Phrases To Avoid During Dissertation Writing

No matter whether you prefer working on your thesis throughout a year or writing dissertation in a month, you should pay close attention to the words and phrases that you use in your text. If you’re careless in your writing, you might use terms that aren’t advisable to include in serious academic papers.

Dissertation Writing Help: Words to Avoid

  • Hopefully and hope.
  • Being a researcher, you shouldn’t “hope.” Hoping has nothing to do with serious scientific studies. It’s advisable to use such words as “expect,” “anticipate,” or “intend” instead.

  • Prove.
  • It might be surprising for some students but their studies rarely really prove anything. Instead of “prove,” you may use other words when describing the results of your research, such as “indicate,” “demonstrate,” and “suggest.”

  • Significant.
  • In serious studies, this word has a specific technical meaning related to sets of quantitative data. In order not to confuse the reader, it’s recommended to use such synonyms as “meaningful” and “important” instead. If you aren’t sure how to use particular terms, hire bsomeday.org to provide you with PhD dissertation writing help.

  • Conversational words and phrases.
  • Instead of “a lot of”, use “many” or “a great deal of.” Instead of contractions “don’t,” “can’t,” or “isn’t”, use “do not,” “cannot,” or “is not.” Also, it’s recommended not to use the word “key” to mean something important or vital.

  • Ensure.
  • The meaning of this word is “to make something certain.” However, students often use it when writing about rather uncertain things. Either avoid including this word in your text or use it very precisely.

Dissertation Services and Help: Words to Use

  • Include.
  • Using this word, you may highlight only several items from a particular list without the need to mention all of them in your paper. This way, you’ll make your message informative and reader-friendly at the same time.

  • For instance.
  • Using this phrase and providing an example is a very good way to illustrate something that arises from qualitative data gathered in your research.

  • May.
  • It’s advisable to be cautious in your writing. Instead of using a direct approach and state that something can or will do something, it’s better to use the word “may” that isn’t so radical.

  • Synonyms.
  • Unless you’re using a very narrow term that has a specific meaning, it’s recommended to use different synonyms in your writing. This way, you’ll make your text easier to read and comprehend.

Writing an academic paper using absolutely correct and relevant terminology might be rather difficult for some students. If the question “Who can write dissertation for me?” comes to your mind, use the services of bsomeday.org in order to get quick and top-quality assistance related to composing and editing academic papers in different fields of study.

Now that you know about the importance of using the correct phrasing in your thesis, it’s likely that you’ll take the task of writing your paper more seriously and achieve a better result. You shouldn’t also forget that you may not work on your paper alone and that there are sources which will always be ready to help you with your assignment.